Thursday, 26 July 2012

Customized bag from Palestyle ♥ حقيبتي الجديدة من بالاستايل

Hello everyone :)

I have not written anything in ages but I was so busy so did not have time to write a full post but I have been posting on my facebook page which you can visit here.

As the title suggests, I have a new bag from Palestyle and I am so in love with it!! Palestyle is a company created by two palestinians who live in Dubai and its been so popular in Dubai and other countries because the products they do are not just unique and fashionable but they are made for a good cause too. You can find more information about how this project helps palestinian women and people on Palestyle's website here.

In case you are wondering about how and where to get this bag, Palestyle are working on their website now to enable people to shop directly and they will deliver all over the world. They also have retailers in Dubai, USA and UK. I live in the UK so I ordered my bag through a very good website that mainly works with ethically and sociably responsible brands, and the website is called FashionCompassion (visit here). They have bags ready to order but if you want yours to be personalised like mine, all you have to do is contact them with your requirements and they will then pass it to Palestyle and start making your bag as soon as you pay. The bag takes upto 5 weeks to be made and sent back to the UK. Mine took a bit longer but they compensated by sending me a nice surprise gift that made up for it nicely.

The price of the bag is normally £230 but costs about £30 to make a made to order one. You also have to pay delivery costs which only cover shipping the item from the UK and not from Dubai so you don't have to pay shipping costs and taxes for sending it from Dubai.

I hope that you like the bag and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions :)

ارحب باسئلتكم واقتراحاتكم بما يخص هذا الموضوع

شكرا لقراءة الموضوع ودمتم بالف خير

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Food & Fashion ♥

As a nutrition student who is interested and following fashion, I loved the latest collections by big designers such as Dolce&Gabbana, Moschino and jewlerry brand Boucheron. Their designs had a lot to do with food from vegetables to pasta and macaroons.

لكل محبي الطعام والموضة... اليكم المجموعات الاخيرة لربيع وصيف 2012 من اكبر المصممين مثل موسكينو, دولتشي اند غابانا, كنزو ومجموعة مجوهرات بوجيرون. كل هذه المجموعات متوفرة بالاسواق الكبيرة او المواقع الالكترونية المختصة بالملابس الجاهزة والمجوهرات الراقية

اي اسئلة عن اماكن شراء او اسعار هذه المجموعات رجاءا راسلوني على الايميل الخاص بالبلوك

Dolce & Gabbana S/S12

Moschino S/S12

Boucheron Tentations Macaron Collection

Kenzo Macaron Bags

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Welcome to my blog :)

I am so happy to finally create my own blog as I always wanted to do so. The name of the blog might suggest that I am only going to talk about fashion, macaroons and afternoon teas, however I am going to share much more than that with my readers as there is so much more to life than these things. I will focus on fashion, food and luxury experiences and products. As there are so many good blogs around, I really hope that my blog will carry something new and interesting to readers. Therefore, I am open to any suggestions or questions. As I am originally from the middle east, I will also try to write in arabic as well as paying a special attention to details that will interest people from the middle east. Generally I would love for my blog to be interesting for people from all over the world not just Arabs or Londoners.

الى القراء العرب... اهلا وسهلا بكم في صفحتي واتمنى لكل مواضيعي القادمة ان تنال على اهتمامكم واعجابكم خصوصا العرب الساكنين او الزائرين او حتى المهتمين بلندن وبالموضة وبالاكلات والتجارب الفاخرة فيها وفي جميع انحاء العالم.